Saturday, February 26, 2011

The English Language In 24 Accents

Communication can be hindered by many things. This video demonstrate one way in which the language in it is inadvertently crafted, and truly not meant to harm any individual at all. Accents are natural. Although this video is a inappropriate to a certain extent which the presenter realized and apologized for, it is very educative. One of the lessons we learn in this video is that:

  1. People form the same geographic environment communicate effectively among themselves given their accent.
  2. That accent hinders effective communication given people from different geographic environments to a certain extend.
  3. That accent is among a people and not a nation or even country. Given a certain country, there can be a variety of accents as there are individual people. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Fun Wedding Raining in Visual Cues

Talk of weddings? This is one style wedding I would like to have. Just one problem though! all my friends are really boring, my wonder is that, are they going to dance like this for their buddy? Pretty finicky eh? I have seen and been to many wedding ceremonies and each one of them was different.

One of the weddings that I attended was very acrimonious, filled with side shows. The bride, lucky for her!, was being claimed by two men each one saying that she was her lover. On the other hand, I thought that the bride was not being lucky at all, rather fluky. The wedding was abruptly halted by a man who intruded the wedding and claimed that the bride was a run away wife and that they had not rapped up their marriage officially. The invited guests broke up and huddled into small groups some amused and others frightened

At this wedding, everything was totally the reverse of the wedding in the video shown above. I do not know if it is okay to say that the two weddings were a perfect show of positive and negative nonverbal cues reflecting happy and unhappy feelings.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Figure Ground Video

I found this YouTube video interesting. There rare so many examples of figure ground expressions reflected in it. I would like you to take all the time you need to figure out the number of objects or people's face you can see in the images. Here you go!